Karen Eltis
Civil Law
Key links
- The use of new technologies in the management of dementia patients
The Law and Ethics of Dementia. 2014 - Courts in the digital age: ‘Adaptive leadership’ for harnessing technology and enhancing access to justice
Digital Privacy and the Charter. 2021 - Revisiting the limits on judicial expression in the digital age: Striving towards proportionally in the cyberintimidation context
National Journal of Constitutional Law. 2017 - La surveillance des personnes atteintes de démence par les appareils équipés de la technologie GPS et l'utilisation des « mesures les moins contraignantes »: Une interrogation sur le plan juridique et éthique (Monitoring of persons with dementia by device)
Ottawa Law Review. 2016 - Genetic determinism and discrimination: A call to re-orient prevailing human rights discourse to better comport with the public implications of individual genetic testing
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 2016

Colleen Flood
Dean of Law, Queen's University / Inaugural Director, CHLPE
Key links
Jason Millar
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Key links

Sophie Nunnelley
Common Law (Senior Research Associate) / Associate Director, CHLPE
Key links
- Holds a 2023-2024 AMS Fellowship in Compassion and Artificial Intelligence for the project Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights Respecting Mental Healthcare: What Role for Law?
- Lead author of reports Machine MD: Law and Ethics of Health-Related AI – Case study 4. Cardiac arrest prediction and Case study 5. The intelligent powered wheelchair
- Personal support networks in practice and theory: Assessing the implication for supported decision-making law
Law Commission of Ontario. 2016 - Counsel for the Ministry of the Attorney General before the Supreme Court of Canada in Ontario v. Criminal Lawyers' Association, 2010 SCC 23

Chidi Oguamanam
Common Law

Teresa Scassa
Common Law
Key links

Devin Singh
Medicine (Affiliate Researcher)
Key links

Kumanan Wilson
Key links
- The Independence of National Focal Points Under the International Health Regulations
(2005) Harvard International Law Journal. 2005 - Canada's legal preparedness against the COVID-19 Pandemic: A scoping review of federal laws and regulations
Can Public Adm. 2021 - Preparing for the next pandemic by creating Canadian Immunization Services
CMAJ. 2021 - National focal points and implementation of the International Health Regulations
Bull World Health Organ. 2021 - Mandatory childhood immunization programs: Is there still a role for religious and conscience belief exemptions
Alberta Law Review. 2021