Louise Bélanger-Hardy
Common Law
Key links
Emmanuelle Bernheim
Civil Law
Key links
Jennifer Chandler
Common Law
Key links
- (Coming soon)
Jennifer Kilty
Key links
- Walking an emotional tightrope: Examining the carceral emotion culture(s) of federal prisons for women in Canada
The Prison Journal. 2023 - “Use your common sense to navigate, and you’re gonna get along okay”: Exploring the sensorial politics of attunement, survival, and resistance in Canadian federal prisons
Emotion, Space and Society. 2023 - Prosecuting and propagating emotional harm: The criminalisation of HIV nondisclosure in Canada
Canadian Journal of Law & Society. 2023 - Emotions and anti-carceral advocacy in Canada: ‘All of the anger this creates in our bodies is also a tool to kill us’
Policy & Politics. 2024 - “We document everything”: Interpretations of HIPAA and their impact on ASO staff charting practices in the context of HIV criminalization in the state of Georgia
Aporia. 2022 - Prison Transparency Project
Sophie Nunnelley
Common Law (Senior Research Associate) / Associate Director, CHLPE
Key links
- Holds a 2023-2024 AMS Fellowship in Compassion and Artificial Intelligence for the project Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights Respecting Mental Healthcare: What Role for Law?
- Lead author of reports Machine MD: Law and Ethics of Health-Related AI – Case study 4. Cardiac arrest prediction and Case study 5. The intelligent powered wheelchair
- Personal support networks in practice and theory: Assessing the implication for supported decision-making law
Law Commission of Ontario. 2016 - Counsel for the Ministry of the Attorney General before the Supreme Court of Canada in Ontario v. Criminal Lawyers' Association, 2010 SCC 23
Tracy Vaillancourt
Key links
- The impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of Canadian children and youth
FACETS. 2021 - COVID-19 school closures and social isolation in children and youth: Prioritizing relationships in education
FACETS. 2021 - School bullying before and during COVID-19: Results from a population-based randomized design
Aggressive Behavior. 2021 - Mean kids become mean adults: Trajectories of indirect aggression from age 10 to 22
Aggressive Behavior. 2021 - Longitudinal associations among bullying by peers, disordered eating behavior, and symptoms of depression during adolescence
JAMA Psychiatry. 2018
Monnica Williams
Key links
- Challenging jurors' racism
Gonzaga Law Review. 2020 - Being an anti-racist clinician
The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist. 2022 - Unicorns, leprechauns, and White allies: Exploring the space between intent and action
The Behavior Therapist. 2021 - Microaggressions are a form of aggression
Behavior Therapy. 2021 - People of color in North America report improvements in racial trauma and mental health symptoms following psychedelic experiences
Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy. 2021