Normalizing and securing SCS in Canada
Harm reduction services in Ottawa: The culture of drug use
Criminalized and pathologized: The ethical tensions of harm reduction case management when supporting people who use drugs in acute mental distress
The moral economy of the movement for overdose prevention sites: Civil society and the management of the opioid “crisis”
Pillars before purpose: Has stigma affected the language of the four pillars?
Richard Elliott
Executive Director
HIV Legal Network
Marlene Haines
Doctoral Student, Nursing
University of Ottawa
Kourteney King
M.A. Student, Adult Education and Community Development
University of Toronto
Thomas Foth
Professor, Nursing
University of Ottawa
Gord Garner
Executive Director
Community Addictions Peer Support Association
Impact of COVID-19 on harm reduction efforts to address overdose: Developments and continuing challenges
Food security as harm reduction in times of COVID-19 and beyond
We are not in this together, We never have been
Gillian Kolla
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research
University of Victoria
Callie Lathem
Harm Reduction Worker and Health Promoter
Somerset West Community Health Centre (Ottawa)
Zoë Dodd
Toronto Overdose Prevention Society
Mark Barnes
Respect Rx Pharmacies
The impact of JUUL market entry on cigarette sales: Evidence of store-level sales decline
Stories from a vape shop owner
Review and Analysis of the decision and of the upcoming appeal in Association québécoise des vapoteries c. Procureure générale du Québec
Anindya Sen
Professor, Economics
University of Waterloo
Maria Papaioannoy-Duic
Founder and Owner
The Ecig Flavorium Vape Shop (Port Hope, Ontario)
Pascal Thibeault
Associate Director
University of Ottawa Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics
The Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act: Measuring real-world impact
Long-overdue and still deficient: The Correctional Service of Canada’s prison needle exchange program
A frontline perspective on the future of harm reduction
Implementing supervised consumption services in acute care: Patient and staff perspectives
Janet Butler-McPhee
Director of Communications and Advocacy
HIV Legal Network
Sandra Ka Hon Chu
Director of Research and Advocacy
HIV Legal Network
Tali Magboo Cahill
Nursing Team Lead, Oasis Program
Sandy Hill Community Health Centre (Ottawa)
Elaine Hyshka
Professor, Health Policy and Management
University of Alberta
Cannabis et decriminalisation punitive : défis pour la reduction des méfaits
The regulation of cannabis and harm reduction
Cannabis as harm reduction: Epidemiological explorations at the intersection of pain and opioid use among people who use drugs in Vancouver
Through the harm reduction lens: Quality control assurances of cannabis in Canada
Joao Velloso
Professor, Law
University of Ottawa
Lorian Hardcastle
Professor, Law
University of Calgary
Stephanie Lake
Doctoral Student, Population and Public Health
University of British Columbia
Ryan Pusiak
Doctoral Student, Biology
University of Ottawa
Martin Dockrell
Tobacco Control Programme Lead
Public Health England
David Sweanor
Adjunct Professor, Law
University of Ottawa
Public Health Advocate
Decriminalizing simple possession of drugs and harm reduction strategies
Problematizing safe consumption sites: A discourse analysis of Ontario’s consumption treatment site policy
Addressing the syndemic of HIV, hepatitis C, overdose, and COVID-19: The potential roles for safe supply and decriminalization
Line Beauchesne
Professor, Criminology
University of Ottawa
Stephanie Arlt
M.Sc. Student, Social Dimensions of Health
University of Victoria
Matt Bonn
Program Coordinator
Canadian Association of People Who Use Drugs (CAPUD)
Harm reduction: Context and considerations
Harm reduction works: Justice, inclusion and evidence in health policy
Chelsea Cox
Doctoral Student, Law
University of Ottawa
Alana Klein
Professor, Law
McGill University
Monnica Williams
Professor, Psychology
University of Ottawa
Jamie Chai Yun Liew
Professor, Law
University of Ottawa
Jennifer Quaid
Professor, Law
University of Ottawa
Paul Daly
Research Chair in Administrative Law and Governance
University of Ottawa
Sarah Berger Richardson
Professor, Law
University of Ottawa
Aimée Craft
Professor, Law
University of Ottawa
Martine Lagacé
Associate Vice-President, Research Promotion and Development
University of Ottawa
Carissima Mathen
Professor, Law
University of Ottawa
Terry Skolnik
Professor, Law
University of Ottawa
Dr. Vera Etches
Medical Officer of Health
Ottawa Public Health
Dr. Alan Forster
Executive Vice President,
Innovation and Quality
The Ottawa Hospital
Prof. Raywat Deonandan
Epidemiology / Science Communication
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Ottawa
Daniel Z. Buchman
Professor, Public Health / Bioethics
University of Toronto
Naheed Dosani
Physician, Palliative Care
Toronto Inner City Health
Jane Philpott
Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences
Queen’s University
Colleen M. Flood
Director, Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics
University of Ottawa
Vanessa MacDonnell
Co-Director, Public Law Centre
University of Ottawa
Sophie Thériault
Professor of Law
University of Ottawa
Sridhar Venkatapuram
Acting Deputy Director, King’s Global Health Institute
King’s College London, U.K.
Adelina Iftene
Professor, Law
Dalhousie University
Joao Velloso
Professor, Law
University of Ottawa